/Thought  -

Design for sustainability

Sustainability is becoming the apparent need of the hour as we observe the degradation of our environment and begin feeling the effects of climate change. It was really interesting to find out about the number of startups operating in small silos across the country. Shout to some that really stood out.

Agrocrete is a carbon-negative construction block made of industrial waste. It contains a mixture of crop residue and ashes/slag from the steel and power industry. @thegreenjams

Fish leather goods by the World of Mayu, a lifestyle brand that uses by-products of fishing industry. To ensure their product is environmentally safe they color the leather with natural dyes. They primarily use salmon leather and wolffish leather. @worldofmayu

Vegan wool by FABORG is made using Calotropis ( a dry land shrub). Every process involved in the extraction of this fiber is sustainable, including dyeing, where plant-based natural colors are used. They also released a ayurvedic bio-fertiliser and pest repellant that could be used by farmers to practice chemical-free agriculture. @faborg.in

Khaloom makes handwoven fabrics using 100% post-consumer recycled waste. The textile industry is one of the most polluting industries and Khaloom is doing its part to nudge it towards circularity, reduce wastage and promote the use of recycled and upcycled textiles. We need to reduce the load on virgin materials, resources and on landfills.

Fleather or Flower Leather is India’s first temple flower recycling company. They also makes products like charcoal-free, natural incense sticks and cones, holi colours (‘gulaal’), vermicompost etc. and also ‘Florafoam’- a compostable alternative to styrofoam (non-biodegradable plastic) - are made from molding dried flowers with natural fungi.